More on agitation propaganda and the psychological effects of propaganda including: loss of individuality, the suppression of critical thought, creation of the mob and how critical thought is literally impossible as part of a group, the creation of a fanatically self-righteous social conscious leading to the demonization of the out-group, and more on the sphere of the sacred. Then, how propaganda partitions society (identity politics) via verbal fiction creating sects of victims who only speak “to themselves.”
Propaganda’s only heard by its choir creating alternate factual universes
Manchurian activists primed for provoked outrage and action
The creation of an abstract verbal universe: fake news
Sacrificing self-dignity to “the cause”
The danger of surrendering to “something bigger than yourself”
Stereophonic propaganda
Reclaiming individuality by removing your dog from the fight
Jacques Ellul’s “Propaganda”:
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