Aaron, Chris, & Jay discuss Christmas parties, skating, cyber bullying, old school computers, new school video games, midgets, & dicks. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#049 Spoiler Alert!
Aaron, Chris, & Jay talk about the National Guard presence in Ferguson, MO, drug testing for welfare recipients, WalMart, minimum wage, the Sony hack, the new Star Wars trailer, & Santa Claus. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#048 Newsertainment
Aaron, Chris, & Jay talk about music, the Eric Garner case & bias in the media. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#047 When The F*** Is Recess?!
Aaron, Chris, & musician/composer Mikey Rothenberg finish their discussion on bullying, discuss lies parents tell, public school vs. private school, the dangers of e-cigs, & Mr. Wizard being a dick. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#046 …And That’s News To Me!
Aaron, Chris, & musician/composer Mikey Rothenberg talk about off limit subjects for comedy, they watch a video which combines science & music, and discuss Aaron’s son being bullied. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#045 The Dick Table
Aaron, Chris, & musician/composer Mikey Rothenberg talk about cooking, race relations in the USA, the verdict in Ferguson, MO, & Bill Cosby. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#044 Dysfunctional Beaver
Aaron, Chris, Jay, & Mikey talk about Thanksgiving, food, Black Friday, & tell customer service horror stories. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#043 The Nudge Move
Aaron, Chris, & Jay are joined once again by musician & composer Mikey Rothenberg. They talk about Mel Blanc, Joe Pesci perfecting the nudge move, Mike’s first film score, comic books, composers, & Obama’s recent remarks on net neutrality. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#042 Small Talk
Aaron, Chris, & Jay steer clear of the issues this episode and talk about women, costumes, the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald, pizza, weddings, Las Vegas, banjos, Steve Martin, pop music, Stevie Wonder, and musicians who’s music they hate, but who they respect as performers. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#041 William F. Buckley AIDS Tattoo
Aaron, Chris, & Jay discuss a comic book about an ape biker gang, a la cart TV channels, a real life haunted house, the rise of violence in our culture, and labor unions. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
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