Lee & Zoe catch up with magazine owner and photographer James Taylor. The man who took a chance on Lee and discuss how he got started and how often Lee misses deadlines.
006: The Royal Press Episode
005: The Msnewyorktimes Episode
Lee & Zoe sit down with Erica Ortiz an established song writer and arranger to discus the holidays, everything we should have left in 2017 and the life of an industry writer.
004: We Love Black Women
In this episode Lee & Zoe discuss their love for our Nubian Queens, and all things black.
003: The LordVilla & Mr. Meach Episode
Lee & Zoe sit down with Flatbush creatives Lordvilla & Mr. Meach to discuss their music,confidence,and industry knowledge.
002: The Fems vs Dykes Episode
Lee & Zoe bring in two ladies (@Lotussx3 on Instagram & @spittyflacka on twitter) to discuss who hurt them and changed their outlook on wholesome dykes like ourselves, why lesbian relationships move so fast & how life is for a Nubian bisexual. Turn us up & enjoy!
001: The Who is Zoegawd Episode
On the first episode of #ThankMeLater Lee( goodlookinlee_ on Instagram)& Zoe(zoegvwd on instagram) sit down to discuss who Zoe is and where the hell her and her music came from. We also get into fashion and dyke twitter turn the volume up and enjoy