In this episode Chris prevents a local dispensary from burning down! We talk about Rob St Mary from The Projection Booth podcast and his forthcoming book, Re-Entry: The Orbit Magazine Anthology and the fundraiser, as well as listen to his new his review of a horror parody classic, Poultygeist. And former Arizona Governor Gary Johnson claims cannabis can cure Ebola. Thank you for listening Tuesdays & Fridays on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
#034 Blue Waffles
Aaron, Chris, & Jay talk about the ever expanding presence of Google into the medical field, Chris looks up “blue waffles” on Google for the first time, the differential treatment of the insured, health care in North Korea, law enforcement, how not to get a ticket & being white. Thank you for listening every Monday & Thursday on iTunes, Stitcher,!
#033 Cleansing The Palate
Aaron, Chris, & Jay lighten up a bit to talk about cats, the Jennifer Lawrence article in Vanity Fair, the mob mentality of Facebook, political vitriol, the Affordable Care act, & vaccinations. So maybe they didn’t lighten up too much. Thank you for listening every Monday & Thursday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
#021 Glass Lung Joe
We start this episode talking about the things that have stressed us out in the previous week, the expanding Christopher Media network and our strain of the week, Ace of Spades. We also listen to the new segment from The Projection Booth podcast: Rewind This and Just Smoke to It, and watch videos of a joint on television, an encounter with the police and a political debate. Thank you for listening every Tuesday & Friday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
Bonus Nugget #009 Saxomophone
We celebrate Rob’s birthday with more Rick Simpson Oil and Pineapple Express. We talk about music, what’s wrong with today’s generation, and sexual deviants in the arts. You never know where the conversation will go, and sometimes you feel like you need a shower afterwards. Thank you for listening Tuesdays & Fridays on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
#031 Pro-Gold
Aaron, Chris, Jay, Rich & Todd talk about the Healthcare Reform Act, what they think of the Obama presidency, minimum wage, capitalism, and of course, strippers. Thank you for listening every Monday & Thursday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
#020 Happy Birthday Rob!
It’s Rob’s Birthday, and we celebrate with some Pineapple Express and Rick Simpson Oil.. O.K., a lot of Pinapple Express and RSO. Plus Rob and Chris split a brownie. Keep up if you can as we ramble about more miracle cures, legal woes and new vaporizing technology. We also have week two of “Rewind This and Just Smoke to It” featuring Rob from The Projection Booth covering the unmade Dune movie. Thank you for listening every Tuesday & Friday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
#030 Welcome To The Thunderdome
Aaron, Chris, Rich, Todd, & their guest Jay continue their melee talking about Constitutional fundamentalists, communitarianism, people willing to kill the planet just to be right, emotions on the internet, managing people, & cannibalism. This one is a show for the whole family! Thanks for listening every Monday & Thursday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
Bonus Nugget #008 Skimming The Scum
This nugget we talk about mouth noises, technical difficulties, loud facial hair, car repair, and we critique the High Times top 8 albums to smoke to. There is a replay of Rob St Mary’s segment “Rewind This and Just Smoke to It” that comes to us thanks to Rob’s podcast The Projection Booth. This is included because it was left off the original upload of Friday’s show, and didn’t make it until later that weekend, so our regular listeners might have missed it. Thank you for listening every Tuesday & Friday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
#029 Hong Kong Fluey
Aaron, Chris, Rich, Todd, & their guest Jay talk about watersports, sexual assault, gun control, propaganda in the news & of course Ebola! Thank you for listening every Monday & Thursday on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
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