This week Chris, Rich, and Jess talk about: Dave Chappelle had a show moved due to protests, alleged racism at Sesame Place, AOC pretended to be handcuffed, and Biden has COVID. Please follow us on Twitter @genexhaustedpod and on Facebook at
Independent’s Day
This week Chris, Rich, Earl, and Jess talk about: the reversal of Roe v Wade, the 4th of July is now a “white holiday”, AOC wants to impeach the Supreme Court, and Cassidy Hutchinson. Please follow us on Twitter @genexhaustedpod and on Facebook at
Soy Rage
This week Chris, Rich and Earl talk about: vaccine mandates, AOC wore a dress that said “Tax the Rich”, the United States military, Bill Maher, skilled trades, the fight for $15. civilians in space, social media, and relationships. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at Download the rest of our shows at! (for now)
July 25, 2020: School’s Out Forever
On this week’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: Trump and COVID-19, how school will look in the fall, troops in major cities, Trump and masks, mask mandates, AOC, politics and COVID-19, the election, and polls. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at