This week Chris and Rich talk about podcasts, the Atlanta massage parlor massacre, Sarah Silverman, Joe Biden and weed, cancelling classical music, relationships, zero tolerance society, the “Cloak of Wokeness”, the US military wants to lower its standards, the media, people tried to cancel Bill Burr, politicians, and woke culture. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at Download the rest of our shows at!
327: Fed Schwag
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: RIP Tiny Lister, Chris had some homegrown, Always Sunny will be on for 4 more seasons, Ted Lasso, The Flight Attendant, The Snyder Cut, Bill Burr on The Mandalorian, the feds re-up, the feds remind you that cannabis is still illegal, the TSA celebrated National Brownie Day. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at