On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Fireworks, National Kitten Day, The Peacock, Quibi, Mike Judge, streaming services, Hamilton, The Far Side is back, Biden and Bernie talked about weed, some High Times staffers are starting their own magazine, and weed can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Theweedsmenpotcast/
April 6, 2020: M.A.S.K.
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: the CDC now recommends we all cover our faces, today’s daily White House press briefing, a church in Louisiana is still having services, BoJo has been hospitalized, COVID-19 deaths fell in Italy, France, and Spain, a tiger at the Bronx Zoo tested positive for coronavirus, Tiger King, auto insurance in Michigan, and recession vs. depression. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
#014 Dark Comedy
Aaron, Chris, & Rich are back to discuss the post office, religion, Facebook, Robin Williams, where comedy comes from, mental health awareness in this country, substance abuse, and the divisive Dr. Drew. Thank you for listening every Monday & Thursday on iTunes & ChristopherMedia.net