In this weeks Weedsmen Potcast Nugget we discuss: Lil Wayne looks like the Predator, Danny Elfman, PeeWee Herman, shitty 90’s hits, Flatliners sequel, new Luc Besson movie, &Bruce Willis. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
TPB: 2 Lava 2 Lantula
Mike spoke to Steve Guttenberg about his role in the Lavalantula series as well as President Bill Clinton’s love of the Police Academy series and more on this special episode. The second Lavalantula film, 2 Lava 2 Lantula, premieres on the SyFy network on Saturday August 6, 2016 at 9PM EST.
Podcast Episode 77: Pointless Plastic: Resurgence
TPB: Dick Tracy
Warren Beatty‘s Dick Tracy is a beautiful recreation of the four-color world of Chester Gould’s square-jawed detective. It’s also something of an uneasy marriage of Stephen Sondheim songs, Madonna, and a cavalcade of character actors as Gould’s “Rogues Gallery.” Interviews feature Glenne Headly who plays Tracy’s love interest, Tess Trueheart, as well as author Garyn G. Roberts, and Dick Tracy afficianado Dan Kampling. We also hear just a bit of executive producer Floyd Mutrux from a previous interview. Jared Case and Frank Santopadre join Mike to debate if the film ultimately works
Nugget 102: BRO!
This weeks Weedsmen Potcast Nugget is short and crazy as we discuss: Doctor Strange, the Kanye West “Bro”, Cops getting fired after raiding dispensery, Organ Transplants, The most expensivist joint. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
Episode 76: Ruining Your Adulthood (Ghostbusters 2016)
@sarhenrythe8th and @vitogulla had some alone time with #Ghostbusters. No one left satisfied. Follow us on Twitter: @UglyClubPodcast @SarHenryThe8th @VitoGulla @RobDiCristino @TubNubbins @ShawnReasin Find us on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and at
TPB 114: Cookie Inception
On this weeks Weedsmen Potcast we avoid mos t of the big issue and talk about: Pokemon, Oreos, movie and TV announcements from San Diego Comic Con, Sunset Sherbet, George Harrison, amount of legal cannabis sold in billions, how legal cannabis effects prescription drug use, & a man who dips his joints in a human brain in embalming fluid. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, &!
TPB: The First Nudie Musical
Released in 1976, The First Nudie Musical stars Stephen Nathan as Harry Schecther, a down on his luck filmmaker who’s reluctantly entered the world of pornography to keep his father’s studio solvent. He gets the bright idea to shoot a musical and, at the behest of his backers, a nudie musical at that. With the help of his assistant, Rosie (Cindy Williams) and without the help of the wet-behind-the-ears director foisted upon him, John Smithee (writer/co-director Bruce Kimmel), we see the production of Come, Come Now the titular first nudie musical. Angela Mac and Trevor Gumbel join Mike to discuss this fun-filled film.
Nugget 101: Skynet
TPB: Movie Freak
On this special episode of The Projection Booth, Mike talks with film critic Owen Gleiberman about his memoir, Movie Freak: My Life Watching Movies, which tells the story of Gleiberman’s love of movies, his years at Entertainment Weekly, his family and love life, as well as his friendship with Pauline Kael. Rod Lott joins Mike in discussing the book as well as the place Entertainment Weekly once held for them.
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