On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: 10 Years of legal cannabis, 3 Floors of Fun at St Andrew’s, anti-vaping campaigns, Apple’s VR headset, Mickey in the public domain, and Taylor vs Madonna. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
Bad Blood
This week Chris, Rich, and Jess talk about: the Illuminati, Israel, Travis Kielce and Taylor Swift, and conspiracy theories. Please follow us on Twitter @genexhaustedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GexExhaustedPod and download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net!
Clown World
This week Chris, Rich, and Jess talk about: RIP Paul Reubens, Trump was indicted – again, Bidenomics, Mitch McConnell froze up, a lawsuit against Delta airlines, Taylor Swift, millennial parents are burnt out, weight stigma at work, searching Chicken Soup on Facebook, Disney, and Barbie. Please follow us on Twitter @genexhaustedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/GexExhaustedPod and download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net!
#013 Baker’s Dozen
Aaron, Chris, & Rob are back for another episode of The Weedsmen Potcast! Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMeida.net