On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Phoebe Bridger on SNL, other famous Phoebes, Garrison Keillor, cancel culture was made fun of on SNL, and James Gunn had a humorous Twitter exchange. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
332: Dustin To Dust
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Aaron hurt his back, RIP Dustin Diamond, RIP Marilyn Manson’s career, Aaron watched a bunch of movies, 3 Democratic leaders plan to federally legalize cannabis, and Leafly and Jane are teaming up. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
331: Larry King Tubby
On this week’s show Chis and Aaron talk about: we have a new President, RIP Larry King, RIP Phil Spector, King Tubby, WandaVision, The Dead Don’t Die, a decline in weed sales, Medical Card extension in Cali for COVID, and free joints to COVID vaccinated people in Michigan. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
Nugget 303: Old Man Yells At Soundcloud
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: popular music, a parrot “singing” Led Zeppelin, and a rock that looks like Cookie Monster. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
330: The Alphabet of Cannabis
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: cannabis and self-care, THCA and TCHD, South Dakota’s governor is trying to block legalized weed, fights over New Jersey cannabis laws, Andrew Cuomo wants legalized weed for NY state, and a test program proposed in UK to give prisoners free cannabis. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
Nugget 302: Chaos and Coziness
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: the attack on the Capitol, and Aaron got a new iPad. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
329: Mind Controlling Guitar Pedals
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Kim and Kanye are breaking up, Trump may flee the country, terrifying dancing robots, mind controlling guitar pedals, Citizen Kane, It’s a Wonderful Life, Wonder Woman 1984, Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans, Illinois expunged a half a million weed crimes, and NORML repurposed old newspaper boxes. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Theweedsmenpotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at https://ChristopherMedia.net
Nugget 301: #BeanDad
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: New Year’s Eve, Dr. Dre had an aneurysm, Bean Dad, vape tanks, and 4Chan. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Theweedsmenpotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at https://ChristopherMedia.net
328: Bongs of Holly
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: the new stimulus package, 2020 and cannabis, Michigan dispensaries, year end lists, Tenet, and Aaron’s top 10 TV shows for 2020. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Theweedsmenpotcast/
Nugget 300: Endless Noodling
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: an infinite AI bass solo and death metal song, Demolition Man, Grace Jones, and Blondie. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Theweedsmenpotcast/
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