On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Trump wants to shut down immigration, the south wants to reopen again, Dan Patrick doubles down on being willing to die for the economy, the Georgia governor wants to open movie theaters next week, eating during the pandemic, more money for the PPP, and Shake Shack, Wells Fargo, and other PPP stories. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 21, 2020: Breakdowns Come And Breakdowns Go
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: quarantine “breakdowns”, how coronavirus spreads, more money is coming, the daily press briefings are getting repetitive, have we hit the peak?, politicizing the virus, and the Facebook 10 album challenge. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 20, 2020: Too Big To Fail, Too Legit To Quit
On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: more protests nationally, coronavirus testing, the politicizing of Birx and Fauci, more money for small businesses, more money for individuals, speculation on what a return to normal will look like, and grocery shopping during the pandemic. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 17, 2020: Out of Phase
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: Opening Up America Again, the PPP ran out of money, market disruptions, what we’re watching, and RIP Brian Dennehy. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 16, 2020: Covid-Hawks
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: the protest in Michigan, the stimulus checks have started going out, the new Dune, and Picard. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 15, 2020: Trump De-funds a WHO
On this weeks show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: the economic stimulus package, Trump cuts funding from the WHO, Trump and the states are arguing again, COVID-19, Gretchen Whitmer, and cultural and moral relativism. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 14, 2020: Press Brief Propaganda
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: the craziest Coronavirus task force press briefing yet, people in Michigan are pissed at the governor, and we are plateauing. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 13, 2020: Whit-ler
On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: the weirdest Easter ever, online learning, Michigan tightens it ‘lockdown”, poverty and COVID-19, what’s essential in Michigan, Fauci and Trump, all 50 states have been declared a disaster area, and Tiger King. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 10, 2020: Safe in Mansions
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: Michigan has been ordered to stay at home until April 30, Ellen is in trouble again, cheap video games, California and COVID-19, and what we’re watching. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 9, 2020: The Final Bern
On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: RIP Bernie Sanders’ campaign, Trump and voting in the mail, Trump was asked about Joe Exotic, Trump’s approval ratings, Trump’s new press secretary, and Trump and The WHO. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
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