Aaron, Chris, Eric, & Rich talk about autumn, utility companies, allergies, a man who tried to bomb a Walmart, a Taco Bell executive beating up an Uber driver, the current religious landscape in the U.S., & the rise of suicide in middle aged white males from the U.S.A. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#140 Nobody’s Getting Laid
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about The Walking Dead, the new Star Wars movie, people who believe in zombies, a real Salem witch trial, Lego allegedly censoring a Chinese artist, a stolen horse body in Florida, somebody inventing a tractor beam, Donald Trump & Ben Carson, & monopolies. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#139 Stupid Water Territory
Aaron, Chris, Rich, & their guest Eric talk about Melissa Harris-Perry, Grayson, Chris getting profiled, a new study which says processed meat can give you cancer, crazy objects in space, movie reboots, the incident at Spring Valley High School in South Carolina, children having the right to die, & a new study on vaping. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#138 Congratulations America!
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about Lamar Odom & Khloe Kardashian, Kanye West’s alleged SoundCloud account, crazy piercings at a Thailand vegetarian festival, giving blood or going to jail in Alabama, a 30 lb. burrito in Brooklyn, shipfoliage.com, a testicle biting cop, a chicken on Twitter, life in the universe, a William Shatner comic book, a controversial comment about the Holocaust & Israel, a possible alien structure in space, & John Cusack. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#137 All Your Internets Belong To Me
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about Back To The Future Day, Captain America vs. Fox News, the Star Wars movie, Joe Biden not running for President, Road rage in Albuquerque, & drunk airline passengers. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#136 Coke & Boner Pills
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about Aaron getting in a car accident, Randy Quaid, Lamar Odom, a drunk girl on Periscope, Playboy no longer doing nudes, Miley Cyrus & The Flaming Lips, & an aunt who tried to sue her 12 year old nephew. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#135 Mom, God, Apple Pie, ‘Merica!
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about getting carded for a lighter, The Knock Out beer bottle attachment, the Democratic debate, & a Milwaukee gun shop owner being prosecuted for the murder of two police officers. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#134 Your Peers Are Idiots
Aaron & Chris talk about pumpkin chucking in Delaware, fraternity controversies, birds & dinosaurs, Israeli space tourists, subway dancers, the HuffPo’s list of offensive Halloween costumes & the dumbest Halloween costumes this year. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#133 What Is Your Endgame?
Aaron & Chris talk about flu shots, the UCC shootings, recent controversies with Rupert Murdoch & Ben Carson, mental health kiosks in Boston, Al Roker’s disaster selfie, Dunkin Donuts vs. the police, & Joe Biden. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net
#132 These People Have Rights?!
Aaron, Chris, Jay, & Rich talk about knowing your rights at work, a boss vs. a leader, starting a new career, the new Upsilon Circuit video game, the recent eSports controversy with Colin Cowherd. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
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