Aaron, Chris, & Jay talk about house porn, birth control, free comic book day, the new Star Wars movies, The Grateful Dead’s last show, the FBI & your cell phone, & Blackberry. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#109 Because CNN Told Me So
Aaron, Chris, & Jay talk about Bill Cosby admitting he purchased drugs to rape women, the Subway scandal, the BBC wagging the dog, Greece & banks, the San Francisco shooting, the firing of the Baltimore police chief & black Twitter. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#108 Everything Is A Slippery Slope
Jay returns and talks with Chris & Aaron about Bubba Watson painting his General Lee, the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage, renewed diplomatic relations between the USA & Cuba, Bob Dylan, The Band, Talking Heads & Los Feliz, gay rights vs. civil rights, independent comic books, YouTube news fails & robosexuals. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#107 We Never Promised You Anything
Aaron, Chris, & their guest Sam talk about Chris Christie entering the Republican field for President, Donald Trump getting dumped by NBC, more Confederate flag controversy, Apple price fixing e-books, whether or not Google is convenient or creepy, Obama’s proposed overtime rules for salaried workers, & the possible repeal of the prevailing wage law in Michigan. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#106 History Happens Every Day
Aaron & Chris talk about the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage, Jurassic World, sequels, & artists who’ve had commercial success later in their careers. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#105 It’s Just How Things Are
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about Barack Obama on WTF w/ Marc Maron, the Confederate flag controversy, the Freddie Gray autopsy results, & Taylor Swift vs. Apple Music. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#104 Pimps Up! Hoes Down!
Aaron, Chris, Jay & Rich talk about HBO, the Star Wars comic book, Donald Trump & Neil Young, porn & technology, Silicon Valley, the Flaming Lips, & skateboards at the airport. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#103 Apparently Orange Is The New Black
Aaron, Chris, Jay, & Rich talk about the new season of Orange Is The New Black, Lebron’s & Shaq’s dicks, men & child birth, the satanic temple erecting a statue of Satan at a government building in Oklahoma, Rachel Dolezal, Jeb Bush, Donald Trump & Neil Young. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#102 Nerdtourage
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about overrated bands, The Punisher, Silicon Valley, William Shatner, Marvel delaying it’s new releases, the death of the American Dream, Apple Music, & finish up by nerding out about music. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
#101 Free Bubblegum & Handjobs
Aaron, Chris, & Rich talk about technology invading our privacy, having a bad day, the death of Christopher Lee, the Texas pool party & FIFA scandals, Florida, black people & baseball, Bernie Sanders running for president, & possible voter fraud in Kansas. Thank you for listening on iTunes, Stitcher, & ChristopherMedia.net!
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