On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Netflix loses subscribers, Barry on HBO, Netflix cancels Bone adaptation, CNN+, Depp v Heard, Delta 8 in Tennessee, competing bills for Medical in Wisconsin, Big Pharma and Cannabis, a Florida couple serve cannabis at their wedding, and pot Op Eds. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
333: *Do Not Use On Hair*
On this week’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Gorilla Glue girl, a Carl Craig project with the Detroit Institute of Arts, Black Monday, Virginia’s government wants legal weed, Wisconsin’s governor wants to legalize weed, concentrate sales are up, and an accident at a New Mexico dispensary. Please follow us on Twitter @TheWeedsmen420, Instagram @TheWeedsmenPotcast, and on Facebook at Facebook.com/TheWeedsmenPotcast/ Download the rest of our shows at ChristopherMedia.net
Chris, Rich and ICE return to talk about the Dodgers winning the World Series, COVID and sports moving forward, David Price, the 2021 MLB season, AJ Hinch being hired by the Tigers, the White Sox hiring Tony La Russa, baseball purists, the 2021 NHL season, the future of the NHL, Jim Harbaugh on the hot seat, Wisconsin has the COVID, Tom Brady vs. “the system”, the Pittsburgh Steelers, the NFC east, Justin Herbert, Patrick Mahomes, and Drew Brees. Please follow us on Twitter @SporgyPodcast, or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Sporgy-Podcast-249725018706758/
April 7, 2020: RIP Mr. Tiger
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Earl talk about: Earl has COVID-19, religion and COVID-19, BoJo is in intensive care, auto insurers are giving some money back, Wisconsin is having their election, Earl is mad as hell, and RIP Al Kaline. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/