016: Therapy
Lee & Zoe sit down with a professional therapist to discuss the one topic people seem to never want to address publicly, Mental Health.
015: Front Now Feen Later
002: Marriage Matters
Award winning Celebrity Life Coach, speaker and co-author of Single Man Married Man, Pervis Taylor, as well as Love Coach, speaker and Ladypreneur, Lisa Velazquez, join TV Reporter, Nia Hamm and her fiance, Jason Clark, to talk about how xennials, millennials and GenZ-ers approach the concept of marriage and whether it still holds the same value as it once did. The panel also discusses what obstacles today’s young adults face that may contribute to the low rates of marriage their generations experience.
014: Black History Month
The gang is all here to discuss first how important black culture is and secondly is a month really all we need?
013: Each One Teach One
Lee & Zoe bring in “happy” rapper Elias Mena and partner Randy Osoria to discuss how serious things get when you want to be a creative
012: Pussy Power
005: Cursed By God
Caleb, Zach, Mike, and Alex discuss Uma Thurman, smart dogs, and the film Sleepaway Camp. Please follow us on Twitter @WGTHpodcast, and on Instagram @wgthpodcast.
011: The Jason Bourne Episode
Lee & Zoe sit down with Journalist & Radio host Jason Bourne. Don’t pawn the jewels dropped in this episode.
001: The Young Adult’s Guide To Attracting The Right Life Partner