On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Tara Reade, a salon owner in Texas is going to jail for a week for opening early, Ahmaud Arbery, and RIP Florian Schneider. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
May 6, 2020: The Lamborghini Kid
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: Trump visits a mask factory and wears no mask, COVID-19 mutations, the health care system, a COVID-19 vaccine, and the Lamborghini kid. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
May 05, 2020: Earl Got COVID-20
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, Rich, and Earl talk about: Earl got the ‘rona. Again., people think “it’s over!”, people have lost their mind when out shopping, Mike Pence didn’t wear a mask, and Earl still wants a revolution. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
May 1, 2020: Cosplay Protests
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: more Michigan protests, a judge in Michigan says the stay at home order isn’t unconstitutional, restaurants post COVID-19, the LA Lakers got PPP money, and music shops. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 30, 2020: Rem DeSivir
On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: a potential treatment for COVID-19, states reopening, Bill DeBlasio, and the stimulus checks are starting to be mailed. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 28, 2020: The Full Whitmer
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: today’s White House press briefing, Trump telling us to inject disinfectant, Joe Biden, Gretchen Whitmer, virus safety, and Dr. Sleep. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 24, 2020: Alleged Meanness
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: coronavirus fatigue, a hospital near Rich was turned into a morgue, COVID-19 and celebrities, Ellen is mean (allegedly), what we’re watching, and Atari 2600. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 23, 2020: Georgia On Our Minds
On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Trump and Georgia, cable news, tourism and COVID-19, testing, dumb “morale boosters”, the Surgeon General, and Missouri’s AG is suing China over the pandemic. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 22, 2020: There’s More Important Things Than Podcasting
On today’s show Chris and Aaron talk about: Trump wants to shut down immigration, the south wants to reopen again, Dan Patrick doubles down on being willing to die for the economy, the Georgia governor wants to open movie theaters next week, eating during the pandemic, more money for the PPP, and Shake Shack, Wells Fargo, and other PPP stories. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/
April 21, 2020: Breakdowns Come And Breakdowns Go
On today’s show Chris, Aaron, and Rich talk about: quarantine “breakdowns”, how coronavirus spreads, more money is coming, the daily press briefings are getting repetitive, have we hit the peak?, politicizing the virus, and the Facebook 10 album challenge. Please follow us on Twitter @unregimentedpod and on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/Unregimented-329786113851704/